Monday, October 21, 2019

Theories of Myth Essays

Theories of Myth Essays Theories of Myth Essay Theories of Myth Essay Rathi Krishnan Life has a beginning, middle, and end. As all people will never know what part of the beginning, middle, or end that is at this moment. The next generation will have the same myths given to them through the ancestors. Myths will always be a part of life for as long as there is life. Myths are dreams and dreams are stories that have been told to others with hopes that people believe. Myths are to be more believable than a dream. Most people believe that dreams can come true. When people believe in the myth of the Deus Faber, then people believe Deus Faber is the Maker God. It states that â€Å"the Maker God was the architect, artisan or, craftsperson. † He was also â€Å"the Maker, Modeler, Mother-Father of life. † The breath giver of mankind and all the bearer and begetter can give. The three different myths that I will speak of is the Secretion myth the Accretion or Conjunction clause. As the third I have already used the Deus Faber myth. In the Secretion myth people believe oceans were come from urinating and earth was from defecting and divine secretion created man. Accretion or Conjunction cause: When the elements were changing the wind started to grow thicker and made the clouds. They also believe the animals represent the years of each person’s birth year. The armpits of a giant sweated and birthed man. Will ever know the truth about how man and earth came to life, I am not sure. Although each culture has its beliefs and follows those beliefs, as they are taught. The etiological myth explains how creation happened before the pre-scientific age and the age of record keeping. Each culture and people lives by what that culture says and teaches. As the world grows the more culture and myths begin to grow. The Chinese culture is allowed to have two children and if they were to have more children, they have to choose one child to give up for adoption. They usually give up the girls because the boys are to take care of the parents once they grow too old to take care of themselves. For centuries children have been taught that the Bible is the word of God. With all other myths people are led to believe that myths happen even though ancestors may have passed down items that have happened in the past, people can only go by what people are told and believe the way people are taught. I do believe that God created heaven and earth, but it does not tell how it was done in six days. The Bible does not tell where man came from, but it does tell people Eve came from Adams rib. In looking at all of the myths there are many hard to believe. Then there are the cultures that would say the same about what people believe in. What we should do is try to look closer at the beliefs of the same cultures as they believe in them today. My answer to that would be no because there are just too many to know what or where the truth lies. Myths are a fact of life and can be found where ever life takes them. Myths are also interesting to listen to as they differ with each culture and the person telling the myth. Myths will be around until the end of time. No matter what happens the same myths will on from generation to generation forever until the demise of man. This is a generation of people who do not care to know anything about myths or stories about how man came to earth. Life will continue to go forward and the answers may never be known. All that people want to do is live their lives in peace. Conclusion In conclusion, people want to believe what they are taught by their ancestors. Myths are dreams of many people and told the myths with their addition to the myth of how humans were created. References lt;a href= jrank. org/cultures/pages/5185/Creation. htmlgt;Creation kosmos, gonos, Vishnu, Purana, deus faber, ex nihilo, sipapu, Atharva Veda, Upanishads, faylusuflt;/agt;

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